Friday, November 11, 2011


Well, it's been 10 days since I was in the accident.

I feel like time is both standing still and flying by... My mom came down from Spokane last Friday and leaves tomorrow. She's been a huge help in the house keeping things picked up.

The first three days after the accident were by far the hardest. Every movement was painful. Day by day this week things have been getting easier. I am now able to stand without my crutches, and lift my right leg when laying down. I've also been able to get out the house a bit, but the days are still slow.

I have started only taking my pain killers before bed, to help with sleeping. My pain level hasn't been too bad lately with only dull aches in my back and ribs. My road rash is doing much better (today is the first day with no bandages and tape!), my hip is also feeling okay. My lower back is still pretty sore, and my ribs on my left side have been hurting more however.

Today is also my first follow up appointment with the Standford trauma clinic so I had them check my ribs. After a bit of discussion, they decided that I should have another CT scan of my thoracic region this time. So we had to hang out in Palo alto for four hours.

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