The bike clips that snapped as J was catapulted into the road.
The helmet that protected J's head from road rash.
The shirt that I'd come to associate with J's daily homecoming, (such a welcome sight for a stay-home mom), and the shirt he earned as a Cayuga Lake triathalon participant.
The cell phone took some of the brunt of the road rash, and yet still functions enough to make calls.
The work computer with an arc where it should be straight.
And of course, the bike is beyond repair.
We also found that our friends, our family, Jeremiah's workmates and our neighbors are all amazing.
There were calls, cards, gifts, visits, and so much food!
The compression fractures needed space to heal, so Jeremiah had to keep from leaning forward. His left leg wasn't able to lift off the ground on it's own power. These things together made him unable to dress without help.
This lent an opportunity for O to help out, making the whole thing a little less freaky.
O discovered a whole lot of silver linings from the wreck. The first couple of weekends after the accident, she was whisked away to San Francisco for play dates with her friends. Here she is zipping around, preparing for her exciting trip to the city!
She came home from one of her Saturday play dates to find. . . Grandma visiting for a week!
One of the loveliest things that has come of the wreck has been the seven weeks we all got to spend together. O spent most of that time within arm's reach of Daddy's chair.
I'd like to go back to Halloween and erase everything that happened in the first week of November. After that, some stuff has happened that I don't think I'd trade. Our family is close. And since this was the way it happened, I don't get to erase the wreck, I'll keep looking for ways to build from this.
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